To an average outside, one of the big parts of web development that doesn’t get noticed is information design – how the pages flow, how the data is stored, and how you access said data.
A price tag in a store is the culmination of a whole bunch of different factors. For every document stored in the MongoDB Database used in this project, there are fields for item codes, item names, item regular and sale prices, and Booleans for whether or not the item is on sale or is taxable, among many other attributes. When I took this project from a small experiment to a large full-stack endeavour, I already had stored data in JavaScript Objects. The good news here was in order to take this full-stack, these objects had to be converted to JSON format, and then uploaded to MongoDB Atlas – their cloud-based storage system. Once there, it could be accessed from any site if it were to run from an actual retail location for a multitude of purposes.